Fearporn on the Decline? I read an interesting piece yesterday which argues that the Covid hysteria has reached its last gasps, and is on a more or less inevitable decline. The author, CJ Hopkins, describes how the “powers that be” now feel safe discussing a number of relevant points that […]
Peak Covid Insanity: Allowing Covid Infected Healthcare Workers on the Job
Surely This Must Be Peak Covid Insanity? I read a bit of news so insane, so asinine, so unscientific, I didn’t believe it until I read it from several sources. Some background first. Recently, the state of California fired thousands of healthcare workers who refused to get vaccinated, even if […]
Supreme Court Arguments on OSHA Vaccine Mandate: Facepalm Inducing
Our Towering Legal Minds Yesterday (Friday, January 7, 2022) the Supreme Court of the US reviewed the OSHA vaccine mandate. This is being referred to as the ETS (Emergency Temporary Standard)- read about it here to get its description straight from the folks who seek to control your personal medical […]
Omicron Loves Vaccinations?
As of this writing, the omicron variant has been widely circulating in the world for roughly 1 month (that we know of). By nearly all accounts, it seems to be a largely mild strain of coronavirus, with symptoms similar to that of the common cold. This is great news. But […]
Noncompliance Is Winning
Silent Victories, Regardless of Court Outcomes You won’t hear much about it from the pharmaceutical industry controlled media or from power hungry politicians, but noncompliance with covid restrictions is winning in America. This is succinctly summarized in an article by the New York Post. Americans are increasingly done with mandates […]
OSHA Covid Vaccine Mandate Flip-Flop in Courts
You Cannot Rely on Courts to Secure Your Freedom I have maintained on this site that you cannot sit back and hope that courts will uphold your rights. As the latest evidence for this, a court decision yesterday overruled the decisions of previous federal courts. The decision from 6th U.S. […]
Boiling Frog Syndrome: Boost to Infinity
You Must Always Comply to Stay “Fully Vaccinated” In a previous post, I described how the definition of “fully vaccinated” would change in the future. In sane times, only epidemiologists would squabble over the definition of such a term. But in the hyperventilating modern era, when we fret over a […]
Encouraging News From the USA
Some Recent Wins in the Anti-Mandate Legal War Things are looking up for basic human freedom and dignity in the US. A federal judge has blocked Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for healthcare workers in facilities that receive Medicare / Medicaid funding. This mandate would apply to the vast majority of […]
Nu Variant: New Fear Porn, New Freedom Restrictions- The Cycle Continues
New “Scary” Covid Variant It’s all so tiresome. The internet is buzzing with reports of a new covid variant out of Africa– this one is being called the “nu” variant. This new variant is apparently widespread, having already been detected in Europe, Africa, and Asia. It is an evolution of […]
Public Health Experts Know Much Less Than They Think
The Terrible Track Record of Public Health “Experts” in Dealing With Covid Throughout this covid pandemic, one thought that has occurred to me time and time again. It’s that our public health “experts” like Anthony Fauci, the CDC, WHO, etc. know much, much less than they think they do. Their […]